Monday, June 30, 2008

Graph Paper to Wall Bed

It has been some time since I last blogged!

I have gone back to work casual at the community health center as a clerk. Of course I worked almost three quarters time for the month of June. I believe it will be much less for the next few weeks.

What a strange feeling I felt leaving for work and having Bill stay at home. Bill does have breakfast with me. I'm sure it is just to make sure that I get off to work. I still don't understand early mornings.
Bill has not been idle. He has spent the last month constructing a "wall bed" or as some know it, a Murphy bed. In our downsized condo we are always looking for more ways to economize on floor space and maximize storage space.
For those who know Bill, all projects start with his handy clipboard, graph paper, slide ruler and of course a tape measure. He leaves nothing to chance. He is at his happiest when he is inventing and planning. He loves the challenge of it can't be done( my thinking). There is no such thing in his thinking. And thus we have an almost completed wall bed unit in our second bedroom. The bed is definitely one of a kind complete with special ramps for the wheels of the bed and bungees to assist in its slow drop to the floor. This mechanism took many hours on the graph paper to think out. It's uniqueness is what makes the whole bed system so "Bill". The bed is enclosed neatly in Ikea cupboards. It is engineered so that all corners are flush with each other and it all comes together perfectly. Bill couldn't build any other way.
Each day as I went off to work, Bill had his projects planned out for the day. I felt pretty good about him being busy because believe me folks, leaving Bill home without plans or a project is dangerous. No good could come of it. Lord knows what I would find when I returned.
I am happy that he is happy doing what he does best. That is inventing, planning and doing.
I am not sure what the next project is , but I can bet that there is some idea rattling around in his head. There always is.