Friday, September 26, 2008

No Hybernation This Fall For Me

Summer, what summer?
I know that i am not alone in my feelings that summers are gone before they start and that winter drags on forever.

The leaves are in their deepest golden hues and are trying desperately to fall from their tree branches. In the meantime, i am trying to enjoy them for the beautiful piece of nature that they are. But somehow, I still see the bare branches as a come hither to the snow that is inevitable in this region.

I am not a fall / winter kind of gal. In fact, I quite dislike them. To me fall just means that a dark cold winter looms in the not too distant future. I should have been a bear. At least they are expected to fatten up in the fall before they lay down for a long winter nap.

I won't be napping this fall. In fact for once in my life, I am really looking forward to this fall. In a few weeks Jill and Chris are expecting their first child together. I am so excited that I will have another grandchild to spoil. I have done such a marvelous job of spoiling Alanna. They did not wish to know the gender of the baby so it will be a surprise for all of us whether they have a son or daughter. As I understand it they are in the minority of expecting parents who do not wish to know ahead of time. Good for them, as their really are too few real surprises in our lives.

They have just moved into their new home yesterday. I guess they thought their lives weren't full enough of adventure. As we watched an endless parade of boxes be moved out of their home to their brand new bigger home, it brought back the memories of all the moves, we have been through. I was never brave enough to do one 8 months pregnant! Their home is a beautiful spacious two storey home. It smells like a new home. Men love the new car smell, but I would have to guess that for women there is nothing like the smell of a brand new home. Its the smell of love, hope and memories yet to be made.

As these two events settle out, fall will give me one more event to look forward to. Jackie will be coming home (!) from Tokyo for two weeks. I don't think Calgary has ever been her home. She has been away from Canada for almost two years now. She arrives in early November and I am already counting the days. The last time I hugged Jackie was over a year ago as we hugged goodbye in the Osaka airport.
I know that there is email, skype and even the telephone to stay connected. But there is nothing that can ever fill in for that good old feeling of touch. It will be wonderful to have my children and grandchildren all in one place. I am sure that this will not happen all that often in the future. So for now, I look forward to this with great anticipation. It is better than the feeling of waiting for Christmas and its surprises.

Bill continues to work at retirement and enjoying it. I have been working casual two to three days each week as a clerk in a baby well clinic. All those newborn babes are just warming my cockles to having a brand new grandchild to hold and cuddle.

Its all good.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

time sure does fly mom- in fact i have been gone for just over 3 years in japan now... which makes it a total of just over 5 of the last 10 years that I haven't been in Canada... if you add up all the germanies and japans... a long time eh?

i am SO SO SO looking forward to coming home for (just over) two weeks... mostly i am looking forward to cuddling up on the couch to keep warm. :)
